KeepOlim’s Bikur Cholim – Caring for the Sick Program
Imagine being alone and sick in the hospital. No family or friends to be by your side, not being able to communicate with or understand anyone around. This is the reality for many Olim in Israel – left alone without their families or Hebrew. KeepOlim understands that this can be a very scary and depressing time, so that’s why when Olim are sick they can turn to the volunteers of KeepOlim’s Bikur Cholim – Caring for the Sick Program to visit them, keep them company, and cheer them up.
Our wonderful Bikur Cholim volunteers take their time to help sick Olim
KeepOlim BikurCholim on Facebook
Joan Berman Shrensky, Program Director
Testimonials about the KeepOlim Bikur Cholim Program
Hi Joan, Moving is never easy. In fact, it is considered one of the top four stressors in life……Couple that with moving halfway across the world, along with a foreign language to learn, and anybody would be challenged!! How much more so was I facing when I decided to make Aliyah as a handicapped, wheel-chair bound, single mother of two young adults. And, to top it all off, once I was finally settled in Jerusalem, the city of my dreams, reality set in and we were moving once again……..But this time the stakes were even higher. Now my daughter was already married and raising her lovely little girl while juggling school, marriage, and everything else in between. The stress of moving (once again) this time to a different city left me incapacitated and bed-bound. Enter your wonderful organization, the Bikur Cholim of Keep Olim in Israel……It is safe to say that without your help and support my physical health and wellbeing would have deteriorated to a far greater degree. Instead, I received such dedicated and compassionate assistance from your organization that I have begun to feel much better and can now sit up with ease while supervising the unpacking that you so patiently and generously do for me!!! Every Bikur Cholim visit engenders hope that this hurdle too shall be overcome…… Bikur Cholim of Keep Olim in Israel is one of Israel’s best-kept secrets that should be shared with every person considering Aliyah…….Don’t leave home (your old country) without it! It is a game-changer!!! Thank you, Bikur Cholim of Keep Olim in Israel for saving my emotional health and bettering my physical health with your kindness to me!!!! May you go M’Chayil el Chayil (from strength to strength)….. Love,
“I will never forget Keep Olim sending an angel to me when I was in the hospital in Jerusalem.”
Adina Leah Wachsman
“Thank you to all of you! Especially to Joan and Lorre. Everyday I feel more surprised by how many amazing people this country can have! You just made me cry. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.”
Vivian Hamui Schrijver
“Overwhelmed is a word I’ve used a lot since my accident. Now to add speechlessness. Thanks to Joan Berman Shrensky, who heads the Bikur Cholim section of KOIM, my request for food was answered. Natty has just left my home, not only leaving my freezer full, but with such grace as she packaged everything into meal size portions. I have a very difficult eating plan, to keep my fibro in remission, and the amount of imagination and love used to create my food is incredible. Just reading the ingredients used in each dish makes my mouth water. Thanks Natty. I am so very grateful and promise to pay it forward in the best way I can. Chag sameach and wishing you a wonderful 2017.”
Adriane Rivka Wolfson Bernstein
“Thank you Liami, and to everyone who has been helping and supporting me through this trying time. I am so grateful and blessed to have such kind, caring people come into my life. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you, and may Hashem bless you all and provide you with an abundance of prosperity in whichever way you may need it.”
Beverley Zamit