Building a Sense Of Belonging!

KeepOlim stands up for ALL Olim, promotes their voices, and fights for them in the Knesset!

In July 2017, we successfully advocated for a change in law to enable all Olim to get their driver’s licenses converted to Israeli ones.

Because of our advocacy campaign, now an Oleh who has been driving for five years or more and has lived in Israel for less than three years may simply convert their driver’s license at the Driving License Bureau.

As Israelis take stock of damage, KeepOlim volunteers rush to offer assistance.

Hundreds of aid kits including clothing, blankets, and cooking utensils were delivered to the residents of Haifa by a group of new immigrants in Israel. As Israelis were devastated by the damage caused by fires which spread from the Dead Sea to Nahariya, forcing 80,000 people to leave their homes, volunteers with KeepOlim helped residents find the strength to recover from this unforeseen disaster.


Testimonials about KeepOlim Gives

“On behalf of the Leo Baeck Center, I would like to thank you all wholeheartedly to all of you who donated and volunteered to help out our fire victims in Haifa through your project ‘KeepOlim Gives’. We thank you for bringing to us many beautiful donations of clothes, blankets, toys, diapers, etc that will help the victims that went through the ravages of fire survive the winter storms. To all of you many, many thanks from all of our staff, volunteers and people that we service here at Leo Baeck Center in Haifa, we are very grateful for your beautiful deeds”

Vered FurmanVolunteer Coordinator Leo Baeck Community Center

“Very proud of all of you for coming together to help each other out in a time of need and great coordination of resources. Keep up the good work and may G-d pave the way for your continued success”!

Isaac Scheff, Volunteer Coordinator Leo Baeck Community Center

“Very Proud of you, your organization and the many volunteers and donors who donated clothes, home goods and their time for others in their time of need” 

Debra Strassberg Nunn

“‪Hats off to you and your initiative”

‪Julie Stroli

“‪Proud of my good friend Liami Lawrence and the organization he founded KeepOlim (which has over 25k members) which has collected Tons (literally) of emergency supplies and donations for those affected by the horrible fires in Israel!! Tzvika Graiver + others in group , and the rest Kol-A-Kavod!!”

Guy Gottlieb

What a wonderful act of human kindness… God bless you all!”

Anna Cunningham

“KOIIM Keep Olim IN Israel Movement, leader Liami Lawrence and a great staff organize help for fire victims! Amazing! Read the article and join the group which is the greatest cause for our country!”

Sarah Guerchfeld-Yakir

“Wow you guys are incredible! The work you’ve done and continue to do is inspiring. You are amazing.” 

Ashley Walters

‪”What a tremendous mitzvah of loving your neighbor! ‪May Hashem bless our efforts with success. May He fill our loss. And may He shower blessing on us and on all of Israel!”

Kaley Zeitouni

”‪You caught the ball and won the game, well done everyone!”

Margalith Roos

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