KeepOlim Programs
Feeds Olim
During the High Holidays in August 2020, we started “KeepOlim Feeds Olim” and gave out over 24,000 shekels of Rami Levi & Shufersal Gift Cards to Olim families and Lone Soldiers in need throughout Israel…
Mental Health Program
Sadly, more than ⅓ of all suicides in Israel are Olim – many of them Lone Soldiers. Mental health care for Olim in Israel is extremely limited and lacking. Olim are sometimes forced to wait months to speak…
Lone Soldiers Unit
KeepOlim provides vital support, assistance, and care to Lone and Olim Soldiers serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from around the world. These individuals hold a special place in our hearts as they have bravely chosen…
Alone For The Holidays
Being a new immigrant is hard enough anywhere, but for many Olim with no family in Israel, the holidays can be a time of extra stress and loneliness. With that in mind, KeepOlim created “No Oleh Alone For The Holidays”…
Bikur Holim
Imagine being alone and sick in the hospital. No family or friends to be by your side, not being able to communicate with or understand anyone around. This is the reality for many Olim in Israel….
Free Contract review
KeepOlim provides free legal contract review for Olim during their first year in Israel. For many Olim, signing contracts for apartments, jobs, or services in Hebrew can be a frightening experience…
Bureaucratic Assistance
Hear Directly from Director Josh Aronson about our Government and Bureaucracy Relationship Program…
Free Resume Review
KeepOlim’s CV/Resumé Review Service provides free CV/resumé reviews including rewriting, formatting, and updating English resumes for the Israeli market…
Government Advocacy
KeepOlim stands up for ALL Olim, promotes their voices, and fights for them in the Knesset!
In July 2017, we successfully advocated for a change in law…
University Workshops
We created KeepOlim University to help Olim in finding a new career path or direction in life after arriving in Israel. Our courses are designed to inspire, motivate, and empower Olim and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in all facets of their lives.
Project KeepOlim Gives
To build a sense of belonging to our new homeland during the 2016 Haifa and Zichron Yaakov fires, we established Project KeepOlim Gives.
We opened 32 drop-off centers across Israel and hundreds of Olim donated clothes, blankets, jackets, diapers, and toys to the fire victims. Cars and trucks overflowed with supplies and love for our fellow Israelis.
Adopt An Oleh
KeepOlim together in partnership with Taglit Birthright Israel will soon debut our “Adopt An Oleh” Pilot Program. Every Oleh will be personally paired with an Israeli Buddy who has a similar background and shared interests. This program will be expanded to include Olim of all ages including families to families. The program will provide Olim a friend and mentor as well as help them through the daily struggles of being an immigrant. The ultimate goal is to help them integrate successfully into Israeli society.